A Truth Journal: VOTE! Political Fails, Missteps, Midterms, ISIS, NFL: Late Nite Jokes: From Denny: Make sure you VOTE! to get your voice heard above the lying political campaign ads. If we want to change out our politicians who refuse to attend to the needs of the American people and get this country going again, then VOTE! even if you did not intend to vote until 2016 for the presidential campaign.
Make sure you have a valid I.D. like a driver's license or other state issued I.D. Republican legal teams will be out in full force nationally to challenge voters at the polls, intent upon throwing out millions of votes or preventing millions of voters from being able to exercise their right to vote at all.
Even here in Louisiana the Republican brand is so disliked by voters that the candidates refuse to acknowledge they are Republicans on all their yard signs and political literature. The public may be almost as angry with the Democrats but less so than with the Republicans who are too lazy to work but 13 percent of the time in Congress. Why are we paying these lazy fools $168,000 annually anyway? Part time work should be rewarded with part time paychecks and no health care plans since they are temporary workers. Works for me.
Meanwhile, enjoy the political jokes, poking our most greedy and clueless politicians. Get out and VOTE! and create a tsunami to overwhelm Congress with how the middle class wants real change and real change now...
The perfect holiday season message: "may you have a happy, merry holiday season"
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Check out this funny saying promoting the human race!
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