Monday, April 21, 2014

A Truth Journal: Funny Late Nite Jokes: About Putin and Russia Attacking Ukraine

A Truth Journal: Funny Late Nite Jokes: About Putin and Russia Attacking Ukraine: From Denny: While Putin lies to the world about his storming Russian military doing land grabs and killing innocent people in Ukraine, well, we might as well see what the comics have to say about the situation - and this weird guy, otherwise known at our house as Prancing Putin...

Keep Calm, Really? Potholder

Keep Calm, Really? Potholder

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Dennys World News April 2014: U. S., World NEWS LINKS

Freiheit statt Angst 2013 - 07.09.2013 - Berli...
Freiheit statt Angst 2013 - 07.09.2013 - Berlin - IMN_9226 (Photo credit: PM Cheung)

From Denny:  My usual reading list for the month while researching many on-going and interconnecting news stories that affect our global security and quality of life.

Check out just how much must be read before writing an opinion piece over at A Truth Journal world politics blog.  Read that as these blogs can only hold so much information in draft post form so it's on to yet another innovative idea to start another blog...

Other news stories that generate a lot of articles, like high profile murder cases, will be gathered together into one post separate from this news links list.  I'm leaving the fonts of the news sites as they are since it provides relief from visual boredom as you scan the page.

Posts like this list of news stories make it easier to write historical articles and books as the research is less time consuming to find than from the usual search engines on many news sites.  I've been writing over five years on my other 20+ blogs.  It's amazing how much information you can generate in that amount of time!

These posts are also a snapshot in history to view the social and political climate of the century.  The word is that everything, good or bad, lives on the internet for eternity.  I'm here, one post at a time, to test that truism.  Go ahead, smile, if you are reading this.  Check back often through the month as news links will be added daily to the current list.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

publishing this post